Sunday, August 28, 2011

Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and Floods OH MY!

This week I survived an east coast earthquake and Hurricane Irene. My goodness. Right now it's still pretty windy out and things are still falling down, but overall, we had no problems and still have power. That's a big plus considering some people down the road in the next town haven't had power for a while.

Anyways, it's been a really long time since I last posted anything. This is due to me working 3 jobs (2 too many). After being on unemployment for a month I got a great paying job in a factory. The only thing good about this job is the fact that I'm making a shit ton more $ than I would anywheres else at the moment. I hate it. It sucks in so many ways. My main concerns about this job now are the fact that I'm dipping my hands into acetone all day long (acetone can cause some serious kidney problems) and that I pretty much have carpel tunnel syndrome in my hands. Not good for an artist. I can't even brush my teeth or hold my coffee cup with dropping it. I have no strength in my hands anymore.

This all has made me extremely sad knowing that I have #1 No desire to pick up a pencil and draw because my hands are numb. My handwriting has become sloppy, that's how bad it is. #2 I have had no time to do a damn thing for myself. If it wasn't for Irene, I wouldn't have had an entire weekend off. #3 I can't quit the full time job because no other places I've applied have even called me back. I'm stuck because if I quit, I won't have an income.

Hopefully, by this time next year, I will be in school finishing my mortuary science degree or in MO where my parents bought their retirement house, working or going to school for my masters in theatre. Hopefully by May of 2012, I'll have something figured out. I'm just kinda going with the flow. For now though, I'm enjoying my free time doing nothing but what ever I feel like doing.

Well, that's it for now because my hands/wrists can only take so much typing before they start to hurt/cramp. I think I will be making an appointment with the doctor to see if my job position can be changed or I have to quit for medical reasons (for which I might get some sort of compensation) who knows.
