Sunday, August 28, 2011

Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and Floods OH MY!

This week I survived an east coast earthquake and Hurricane Irene. My goodness. Right now it's still pretty windy out and things are still falling down, but overall, we had no problems and still have power. That's a big plus considering some people down the road in the next town haven't had power for a while.

Anyways, it's been a really long time since I last posted anything. This is due to me working 3 jobs (2 too many). After being on unemployment for a month I got a great paying job in a factory. The only thing good about this job is the fact that I'm making a shit ton more $ than I would anywheres else at the moment. I hate it. It sucks in so many ways. My main concerns about this job now are the fact that I'm dipping my hands into acetone all day long (acetone can cause some serious kidney problems) and that I pretty much have carpel tunnel syndrome in my hands. Not good for an artist. I can't even brush my teeth or hold my coffee cup with dropping it. I have no strength in my hands anymore.

This all has made me extremely sad knowing that I have #1 No desire to pick up a pencil and draw because my hands are numb. My handwriting has become sloppy, that's how bad it is. #2 I have had no time to do a damn thing for myself. If it wasn't for Irene, I wouldn't have had an entire weekend off. #3 I can't quit the full time job because no other places I've applied have even called me back. I'm stuck because if I quit, I won't have an income.

Hopefully, by this time next year, I will be in school finishing my mortuary science degree or in MO where my parents bought their retirement house, working or going to school for my masters in theatre. Hopefully by May of 2012, I'll have something figured out. I'm just kinda going with the flow. For now though, I'm enjoying my free time doing nothing but what ever I feel like doing.

Well, that's it for now because my hands/wrists can only take so much typing before they start to hurt/cramp. I think I will be making an appointment with the doctor to see if my job position can be changed or I have to quit for medical reasons (for which I might get some sort of compensation) who knows.


Monday, April 25, 2011

I need your Vote!!!!

Please please please vote for my little boy in The Cutest Pet Contest! His name is Goober! He's is adorable! and probably the only hammie in a race of cats and dogs and maybe one ferret...PLEASE HELP HIM WIN TITLE!!!!!

Thanks soooooooooo much!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pretty Good Day

1) My hair is rockin' today. It's a bit fluffy/frizzy but it's looks good. That's saying a lot since I haven't been crazy about my hair since I chopped it all off 2 yrs ago and donated it to Locks Of Love.

funny pic of me, but eh, whatever...

2) I think our local Single A baseball team just played the longest game in our team's history. I'm pretty sure it went 16 innings. I started to not pay attention... I also clocked out just before it ended so I wouldn't have to fight the traffic when the fans left...I knew no one would want to stay for the second game (today was a double header)

3) I love our new "Gates Open" song at the stadium. It's one of my faves: "You Make My Dreams" by Hall & Oates

4) I hate when people use Facebook chat. I can't ever hear the "pop" or my sound is off. I also tend to surf the net too much to stay on one page long enough to remember someone is talking to me on Facebook. I use AIM because I can hear and see it enough to know someone is contacting me. Also, Skype is another choice. I just refuse to use Facebook Chat.

5) I hope the weather warms up soon, because this chilly spring is killing me. At least tomorrow will be around 80. Maybe I can ride the scooter to work.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bah Humbug

I'm not crazy about St. Valentine's Day. May it's because I hate the color red. Really I do, and too much pink starts to make me sick. Maybe it's because I don't have a BF. Never did, never will at this point. Maybe I gave up. Maybe it's just disgusting to see so many mushy people that make me want to vomit. Maybe it's because the card companies are money grubbing whores. Maybe it's because you don't need a love holiday to make it known that you love someone or many someones. It's just a stupid day.

However, I've got to say the almost 60 degree weather here in Dirty Jersey totally made up for the dumb holiday!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Best Video Game EVER MADE!

OK, it's been a while since my very first post. I think I even mentioned in there that I may not always have the time to post like a regular blogger person thing.

Anyways, this post is about a rave. Somehow, my brother discovered this website through YouTube. Both of us are complete music lovers (both in listening and actual musicians) so we're forever YouTubing musical videos. Not only do we have a passion for music, but a passion for the video game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It's probably one of the greatest games in the series and it has FABULOUS music. Well, this website, Zelda Universe, probably has everything you'd want to know about the Legend of Link and Zelda plus a bunch more fun things to read and download. But the main thing I love of this site is the re-orchestration of the N64 game's music! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing sound. This guy worked long and hard on this project and you can download all or just your favorite tunes for FREE! Thank you Thank you Thank yoooooou!!!!

I believe that only the video games buffs can share in this sort of excitement. But even so, at least take a listen to things like the main theme and Hyrule Field and Gerudo's Valley (Just a few of my fave tracks). Really, the music is great even if you've never played or know of the game.

Well, I'm proud to say that I didn't rant in this post. Sometimes I feel like I'm just a complainer and I'm betting most people don't like a person who complains about everything all the time. There, of course, have been many things to complain about lately (the worst I'll have to say is unemployment...long story and maybe in the future I'll blog about it). However, I want to make this blog a little bit of everything and not just a big dump site for shitty things that happen to me or that I see. I have a vision and I'm going to try really really really hard to stay on track and not lose sight of what I want to be posted on here.

So, enjoy the Zelda Universe, if only just for the music!!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Well now...

So, this is my official first post of my official blog. I did/do have a LiveJournal thing, but I don't think many people use that anymore like they used too. Heck, even I forgot about it.

Anyways, I plan to blog about some of the things that piss me off in any given day, things that I just can't get enough of (like videos, music, food, whatever), and things that I ponder about. I'm going to try to stick to these categories since I don't really want a blog about my entire life doings (really, who cares about me mowing the lawn or something really mundane). Besides, that's what Facebook is for, and only my friends and family care about such things (and even then, I bet they don't care that I just walked out to my mailbox to get my new Netflix movie).

Now, what shall I write about tonight? (maybe a taste of what's in store for this blog)

One thing that has been bugging me since last week was a driver that insisted on driving way below the posted speed limit. Everyone has some road rage in them, right? As a NJ driver, my rage may be above the average American, but I don't believe wanting to do the speed limit is asking too much. To set up the scene, I pulled on to a main road, and eventually caught up to this slow moving vehicle. Knowing the road well, I knew we were going way below the 45mph limit. I glanced and did a double take at my speedometer. WE WERE ONLY GOING 35!!! seriously? SERIOUSLY!?

"Ok, ok, calm down. Maybe they're not from around here and don't know the speed limit", I thought to myself. So I backed off and waited to see if we'd pass a sign. Maybe then they'd step on it. We approached a speed limit sign, and not only did the driver look at the sign, but pointed at it. Clearly, they saw it, right? Think they would accelerate just a little bit? Nah... they continued for another 3 miles at this speed before turning out of my path to work. (I would have passed them but either the road lines wouldn't allow me or it was just unsafe to pass)

I just couldn't believe that someone could POINT at a speed sign, and proceed, on a major road, at 10 miles below the limit. It's almost to the point of being unsafe. Now, either they didn't care that they were holding up an entire line of 6 cars, or their speedometer was broken and they don't know it's busted. No matter the reason, I still wanted to push them out of the way.

Just because it was a Sunday, and people go out for a Sunday drive, doesn't mean everyone is out for a casual and leisurely drive. Some people still have to work on the Lord's Day. I have places to go and things to do.

Well, I think that will do for now. It's late and I have to get my butt moving and applying for jobs.